The CD – issued on the Canadian Music Centre’s Centrediscs label (CMCCD 17812) – is a collection of half a dozen pieces I’ve written over the last 25 years, for small combinations of voices and instruments. It is, I sincerely believe, my finest hour!
I’m very grateful for the support of Roger D. Moore, who made a generous donation to the CMC in support the manufacture of this compact disc. Moore is a a rare bird: a philanthropist with a strong interest in contemporary music. We could use more like him.
The compositions on the disc are:
- Ashes of Soldiers (2010) for soprano, clarinet and piano
- Suite for Piano (1995)
- Tears of Gold (2000) for mezzo, cello and harpsichord
- Three Songs from Blake’s “America” (1987) for baritone and piano
- Three Canzonas for Brass Quartet (1991)
- Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano “The Lotos-Eaters” (2000)
These works are presented in studio recordings by a total 16 musicians: soprano Melanie Conly, mezzo Anita Krause, bass-baritone Andrew Tees, clarinetist Peter Stoll, members of the Niagara Brass Ensemble, violinist Laurel Mascarenhas, cellists Karl Konrad Toews and Thomas Wiebe, harpsichordist Ian Robertson, and pianists Kate Carver, Peter Longworth and Timothy Minthorn. They play and sing spendidly, and I’m entirely pleased with their performances.
Centrediscs recordings are distributed internationally by Naxos and are also available through Amazon and iTunes, so I’m hoping my disc will gain some traction in the musical world. (We’ll see.)
If you’d like to hear sample tracks from this disc, click here or here. And if you’d like to see a short promotional video, open the YouTube link, below.
© Colin Eatock 2012